Page Questions - May and June (Pages 190-269)

 Page Questions - May and June ( Pages 190- 269)

 *Each page question starts on the first full verse on that page and finishes at the end of the last verse or the end of the last split verse.

*With each page read question #1 and then read the verses on that page, making notes as needed, as you search out the information.  Then read question #2 and answer that one.

Week 19: Pages 190-199  

Page 190 (Mosiah 22:7-23:5)

1. The people of Limhi were blessed to escape the Lamanites. who do you see the Lord's hand in helping them?

2. When have you seen the Lord's hand in helping you?

Page 191 (Mosiah 23:6-21)

1. What did Alma teach his people?

2. What stood out to you and why?

Page 192 (Mosiah 23:22-39)

1. Watch for how Alma and his people trust in the Lord. Why is it important to put our trust in God, especially when we are in difficult times?

2. When have you been in difficult times and trusted in the Lord?

Page 193 (Mosiah 24:1-13)

1. How do the people of Alma show their trust in the Lord?

2. What did you learn from their example?

Page 194 (Mosiah 24:14-25:2)

1. How did Alma and his people show their trust in God?

2. God can strengthen and comfort us in our afflictions. Have you seen this in your life or the life of another?

Page 195 (Mosiah 25:3-17)

1. What are examples of the importance of keeping records?

2. How might you improve your record keeping?

Page 196 (Mosiah 25:18-26:6)

1. Why did the people get baptized?

2. How is being a part of God's church a help to people?

Page 197 (Mosiah 26:7- 23)

1. Alma took his concerns to the Lord in prayer. What did Jesus Christ teach Alma?

2. How has asking for help in prayer blessed you life?

Page 198 (Mosiah 26:24-39)

1. In the end, all will eventually know that Jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer. What was revealed to Alma concerning repentance?

2. What stood out to you that he learned and why?

Page 199 (Mosiah 27:1-10)

1. How did Mosiah handle the issue of persecution among his people?

2. What do you learn from his proclamation?

Week 20: Pages 200-209 

Page 200 (Mosiah 27:11-21)

1. What did the angel share with Alma the younger?

2. What stands out to you that he shared and why?

Page 201 (Mosiah 27:22-33)

1. What does Alma teach?

2. What stood out to you that Alma taught and why?

Page 202 (Mosiah 27:34-28:7)

1. What was the motivation of the sons of Mosiah to teach and serve both the Nephites and the Lamanites?

2. Which of their reasons stands out most to you and why?

Page 203 (Mosiah 28:8-20)

1. Why did Mosiah prepare and translate the records he had?

2. Why would it be wise for us to create and keep our own record?

Page 204 (Mosiah 29:1-13)

1. Why can great contention and wickedness happen from having kings rule? What did Mosiah propose that should be done instead of having a king?

2. What do you learn from this?

Page 205 (Mosiah 29:14-26)

1. What are the reasons that Mosiah gives about the problems with having a king rule?

2. Why would the judges Mosiah proposed be better?

Page 206 (Mosiah 29:27-39)

1. What will happen if the majority of the people choose wickedness?

2. Why is it wisdom that everyone should be accountable for their own sins?

Page 207 (Mosiah 29:40-47)

1. What are some of the traits of righteous leaders?

2. What are some of the blessings of having righteous leaders?

Page 208 (Alma 1:12)

1. What was Nehor teaching and doing?

2. Why is priestcraft so bad?

Page 209 (Alma 1:13-25)

1. What do you learn of Nephite laws? How did the righteous handle the persecutions that still came in verse 25?

2. What do you learn from their example?

Week 21: Pages 210-219 

Page 210 (Alma 1:26-33)

1. What were the actions and traits of those who followed Jesus Christ?

2. What were the blessings of those who were faithful?

Page 211 (Alma 2:1-15)

1. What was the purpose of Amlici?

2. How can we avoid getting deceived by evil people? How can you strengthen yourself?

Page 212 (Alma 2:16-29)

1. How does the Lord strengthen the Nephites?

2. How have you seen the Lord strengthen you in times of struggle?

Page 213 (Alma 2:30-3:5)

1. What did Alma desire to accomplish if the Lord saved his life?

2. What do you learn from Alma in this situation?

Page 214 (Alma 3:6-19)

1. What are the causes of being cursed?

2. How can we avoid being cursed by God?

Page 215 (Alma 3:20-4:5)

 1. In verses 26 and 27 it talks about that we receive wages of he whom we listeth to obey.  What blessings come to those who chose to obey God?

2. Whom do you choose to obey and why?

Page 216 (Alma 4:6-15)

1. What was the difference between the members of the church who became wealthy and those who were humble followers of God?

2. What do you learn from this?

Page 217 (Alma 4:16-5:3)

1. Why did Alma give up the judgment seat?  

2. Take a moment to consider is there anything you need to give up or change to serve others and become closer to God?

Page 218 (Alma 5:4-15)

1. Ask yourself the questions in verses 13, 14, and 15.

2. Have the words of Christ made a mighty change in your heart? How has that blessed your life?

Page 219 (Alma 5:16-27)

1. Ask yourself the questions that Alma asks on this page.  

2. What did you discover?

Week 22: Pages 220-229 

Page 220 (Alma 5:28-39)

1. What do you learn about repentance from Alma?

2. Do you desire to be a sheep of the good shepherd and why?

Page 221 (Alma 5:40-50)

1. How did Alma come to know the truths about Jesus Christ and what does he teach about him?

2. How has knowing and following Jesus Christ blessed your life?  How can you come to know Jesus Christ better?

Page 222 (Alma 5:51-60)

1. What are the differences between the wicked and the righteous?  Why does Jesus Christ, the good shepherd, desire to love and protect the righteous?

2. Why do you wish to have the Savior be your good shepherd?

Page 223 (Alma 5:61-6:8)

1. What did Alma do for the people?

2. How might we be able to help people?

Page 224 (Alma 7:1-10)

1. In verse 6 what does Alma say is bad and then good to do?

2. How might his counsel apply to you?

Page 225 (Alma 7:11-20)

1. How does Jesus help us?

2. What does he ask us to do?

Page 226 (Alma 7:21-8:5)

1. In verses 23-24, what does Alma teach that you should do?  Make a list.

2. Which of these do you need to work on and how will you do it?

Page 227 (Alma 8:6-19)

1. What conditions did Alma find in Ammonihah and what did the angel tell him?

2. How has or why would receiving spiritual confirmation of a difficult direction you need to take help?

Page 228 (Alma 8:20-32)

1. Why did Amulek help Alma?

2. Why is it important to listen to the inspiration we receive from God?

Page 229 (Alma 9:1-15)

1. What did the people complain about when Alma started to speak?

2. What stands out, to you, that Alma says to them?

Week 23: Pages 230-239   

Page 230 (Alma 9:16-24)

1. In verses 20-22, how has the Lord blessed the people of Nephi? Why will the Lamanites be spared?

2. What do you learn from this?

Page 231 (Alma 9:25-10:2)

1. Alma encourages and pleads with the people of Ammonihah to repent. Why does he want them to repent?

2. How has repentance blessed your life?

Page 232 (Alma 10:3-13)

1. Why did Amulek repent of his hard heartedness?

2. What is your reaction to his testimony?

Page 233 (Alma 10:14-25)

1. What were the evil lawyers trying to do?

2. What happens to a group of people that choose to be wicked?

Page 234 (Alma 10:26-11:5)

1. Who was destroying the righteousness in Ammonihah?

2. How can we avoid contributing to the destruction of others faith?

Page 235 (Alma 11:6-29)

1. How were the lawyers creating business for themselves? 

2. How might our choices be diminishing faith in ourselves and others?

Page 236 (Alma 11:30-44)

1. What stands out to you as you read Amulek's teachings, in verses 40-45, on the resurrection? 

2. Why is knowing about the resurrection a blessing in your life?

Page 237 (Alma 11:45-12:7)

1. Why is it important to remember there is an adversary trying to stop us from doing what is right?

2. How does knowing this help you make better decisions in your life?

Page 238 (Alma 12:8-16)

1. What happens to those who harden their heart and reject God's words?

2. If you give heed to the word of God what will be the blessings you receive?

Page 239 (Alma 12:17-26)

1. Why is it important that we have this time on earth, probationary state, to prepare to meet Tod?

2. How does this knowledge help you in your preparation to meet God after you die?

Week 24: Pages 240-249 

Page 240 (Alma 12:27-37)

1. What did God give us to help us in this life and to return to Him?

2. Why are these teachings important to you?

Page 241 (Alma 13:1-8)

1. What are the traits of the priests?

2. Why is it important to have good leaders to share God's message?

Page 242 (Alma 13:9-20)

1. What are the traits and purpose of these high priests?

2. How does knowing this help you come unto Christ?

Page 243 (Alma 13:21-31)

1. As you read Alma's teachings what stands out to you?

2. Why are these teachings important to you?

Page 244 (Alma 14:1-11)

1. What was the reaction of the people to Alma and Amulek's teaching?

2. How can we keep our hearts soft and sensitive to the spirit and the teachings of God?

Page 245 (Alma 14:12-23)

1. How do those under the influence of Satan act?

2. If faced with these adversities how can we keep our trust and faith in the Lord?

Page 246 (Alma 14:24-15:3)

1. What do you learn from Alma and Amulek's example?

2. Why is it important to turn to God during our trials?

Page 247 (Alma 15:4-18)

1. How was Zeezrom healed? Why would believing in Christ have such great power?

2. What might you need help from Jesus Christ with?

Page 248 (Alma 15:19-16:9)

1. How were the military leaders able to locate and free the prisoners?

2. How has receiving guidance from the Lord blessed your life?

Page 249 (Alma 16:10-21)

1. What were the fruits of Alma and others diligent teaching of the words of God?

2. How has your life been blessed by the word of God?

Week 25: Pages 250-259  

Page 250 (Alma 17:1-9)

1. How did the sons of Mosiah prepare to teach the word of God?

2. How would following their example help you?

Page 251 (Alma 17:10-20)

1. What did the Lord say to the sons of Mosiah and how did it help them?

2. How might the Lord's council to them apply to you?

Page 252 (Alma 17:21-35)

1. How did Ammon help the other Lamanite servants?

2. What do you learn from this?

Page 253 (Alma 17:36-18:5)

1. How did Ammon's skills, talents and faith reach Lamoni and his servants?

2. What skills and talents do you have that could bless others?

Page 254 (Alma 18:6-18)

1. What character traits of Ammon's do you observe?

2. What are some of your character traits that would help in the Lord's work?

Page 255 (Alma 18:19-37)

1. How does the Holy Spirit help Ammon?

2. How does the Holy Spirit help you?

Page 256 (Alma 18:38-19:6)

1. When Lamoni collapsed what was happening to him?

2. When do you experience the light and love from Jesus Christ in your life?

Page 257 (Alma 19:7-18)

1. What examples of faith do you see on this page?

2. What do you learn from their example?

Page 258 (Alma 19:19-30)

1. What examples of trust in the Lord do you see on this page?

2. Why is it important to trust in the Lord?

Page 259 (Alma 19:31-20:8)

1. What do you believe made the difference between those who "heard" the gospel of Jesus Christ taught by King Lamoni and those that didn't?

2. How do we open our ears and hearts to hear the gospel message in our lives?

Week 26: Pages 260-269  

Page 260 (Alma 20:9-24)

1. What were the reasons that King Lamoni's father was angry?

2. How will recognizing false beliefs in your own life help you stay closer to Jesus Christ?

Page 261 (Alma 20:25-21:4)

1. How did Ammon's pure intentions effect the king?

2. How can we increase God like intentions in our lives?

Page 262 (Alma 21:5-17)

1. What kept the people from believing the words of these missionaries?

2. What do you learn from this that can help you stay faithful?

Page 263 (Alma 21:18-22:5)

1. What did Lamoni do for his people?

2. How do these things make a difference for the people?

Page 264 (Alma 22:6-17)

1. What is the evidence that the king's heart was softened?  What was he willing to do to know God and His goodness?

2. How would having and keeping a softened heart bless your life?

Page 265 (Alma 22:18-27)

1. Because of the determination of the queen a crowd was gathered. How did the king turn the situation into a blessing for all?

2. How might this example apply to you?

Page 266 (Alma 22:28-23:1)

1. Why did the Nephites have the borders the way they did between them and the Lamanites?

2. What type of borders might be important in our life to protect us?

Page 267 (Alma 23:2-14)

1. What was the effect of the king's proclamation? What demonstrated how committed to God the people had become?

2. What do you learn from their examples?

Page 268 (Alma 23:15-24:7)

1. What were some of the blessings that came to the people who had joined the church? 

2. Satan is always stirring up those that are evil to destroy the good people. What examples of this have you seen in modern days and in the scriptures?

Page 269 (Alma 24:8-18)

1. What covenant did the Anti-Nephi-Lehies make with God? Why did they make this covenant?

2. What covenants have you made?

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WHY... The reason why I created these questions was for a dear family member who wanted to enhance their gospel study. After studying the Bo...